Primary Years Program

Being an IB world school means that it is our aim to educate for life. Our ambition is to create internationally minded and knowledgeable citizens. We know that our students are provided a strong foundation for success both socially and academically. Many come back to visit providing us with positive feedback. To access more in-depth information and an overall IB Elements overview, please click on the image to the right of this text.
What do we want the students to know?
As the PYP is a transdisciplinary program most subjects are taught within our units of inquiry. Each academic year consists of six units of inquiry. These units are based upon a central idea, which the teacher and the students explore for a number of weeks. Both students and parents need to be actively working with the central idea during the current unit. Doing so helps students deepen their understanding and inquire deeper into the unit at hand.

What do we want the students to understand?
Teachers and students will engage in inquiry through specific conceptual lenses to afford them opportunities to make connections across subject areas.
PYP Key concepts:

What do we want the students to be able to do?
It is important for the student to not only learn certain skills, but also to understand them and to be able to connect skills in different subject areas to one another. When studying a unit of inquiry, the teacher identifies which skills will be necessary for the students to develop and understand. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on learned skills and to what extent they think the skills were applied during the unit of inquiry.
The PYP Transdisciplinary Skills:
Thinking Skills
Social Skills
Communication Skills
Self-management Skills
Research Skills

What attitudes do we want the students to demonstrate?
As the PYP program strives to educate the whole child, it has identified a set of personal attitudes that are necessary to become an internationally-minded person in society. The teacher will identify and analyze these attitudes with students, thus making the attitudes an important part of everyday school life.
The PYP Attitudes:

How do we want the students to act?
The PYP believes that successful inquiry will lead to responsible action. As an IB school, it is our obligation to guarantee that there is opportunity for action within units of inquiry. Teachers will guide students in choosing action, as well as acting and reflecting over their action in order to make a meaningful difference in the world.
The PYP Exhibition
The ‘Exhibition’ is an important component of the PYP. In the final year of the programme, students undertake a collaborative interdisciplinary inquiry process that requires them to identify, investigate and propose solutions to real-life issues or problems. Students present their findings to the community. As the culminating experience of the PYP, the Exhibition offers students an exciting opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning while celebrating their transition from the PYP to the MYP.